CrossFit – Wed, Oct 18


CrossFit – Wed, Oct 18

CrossFit Timoro – CrossFit

Metcon (Time)

For time:

21 DB Thrusters (50/35#)

400-m Run

18 DB Thrusters

400-m Run

15 DB Thrusters

400-m Run

– Use two DBs.

“Fast and Heavy.” The first workout programmed on main site on 010210.

Thrusters in 1-3 sets with the round of 21 done in 2:30 or less.

The first run is complete in under 2:30 for 5:00 max time on the first round.

Skill Work (Checkmark)

On a 5:00 clock:

Accumulate 3:00 total minutes of hollow holds

– Scale to a variation that allows for :20+ holds at a time.

– Rest as needed.