CrossFit – Mon, Aug 28


CrossFit – Mon, Aug 28

CrossFit Timoro – CrossFit

Labor Day Schedule

We will be closed September 1st – 3rd. Monday, September 4th there will be a 10AM WOD. Please sign up for Labor Day WOD by 9/1/23. We must have 12 people signed up in order for class to be held.

Metcon (Time)

6 Rounds For Time:

12 DB Deadlifts (50/35#)

9 DB Box Step-Up (50/35#) (24/20″)

200-m Run

– Use two DBs.

– Rest 2:00 between rounds.

Finish each round in 2:00 or less.

Unbroken deadlifts and step-ups.

Finish each run in 1:00 or less.

Fast intervals with a light DB load.

Similar to 230518, but with built-in rest.