CrossFit – Wed, Aug 30
CrossFit Timoro – CrossFit
Labor Day Schedule
We will be closed September 1st – 3rd. Monday, September 4th there will be a 10AM WOD. Please sign up for Labor Day WOD by 9/1/23. We must have 12 people signed up in order for class to be held.
Labor Day Schedule
We will be closed September 1st – 3rd. Monday, September 4th there will be a 10AM WOD. Please sign up for Labor Day WOD by 9/1/23. We must have 12 people signed up in order for class to be held.
Squat Clean & Jerk
Every 2:00 for 30:00:
2 Squat Clean and Jerks
– Add load every 10:00.
Heavy day relative to each athlete’s capacity. Focus on pushing for sound technique under load.
Hold the same load (moderately heavy) for 5 sets and add load as you are able every 10:00.
All reps should be touch-and-go; no resting the bar on the floor between reps.
Lift once every 2:00.