CrossFit – Thu, Aug 31


CrossFit – Thu, Aug 31

CrossFit Timoro – CrossFit

Labor Day Schedule

We will be closed September 1st – 3rd. Monday, September 4th there will be a 10AM WOD. Please sign up for Labor Day WOD by 9/1/23.

Metcon (5 Rounds for calories)

EMOM 10:

Even: Row For Max Calories

Odd: 25 Double-Unders

Rest 5:00

For time:

1-mile Run

At least 10+ calories/1:00.

Stronger rowers will likely approach 20+ calories.

Advanced athletes should test how hard they can row and still perform double-unders unbroken.

Newer athletes can pace the row and focus on getting as many double-unders as possible per round.

The mile run should be an all-out effort, relative to each athlete’s tolerance.