At Home – Wed, Dec 21


At Home – Wed, Dec 21

CrossFit Timoro – At Home

Warm Up (No Measure)


2 sets:

25-ft lateral bear crawl/direction

15 DB RDLs

10 consecutive step-ups/leg

10 DB presses/arm

10 wall squats

1 set:

5 burpees

6 DB step-ups

5 DB object step-ups

10 deficit DB deadlifts

5 single-arm DB overhead squats/arm

– Rest as needed.

1 set:

5 DB object step-ups

10 deficit DB deadlifts

5 single-arm DB overhead squats/arm

5 burpee broad jumps (4 ft)

– As fast as possible.

Pre Workout (No Measure)

EMOM 10:

Min. 1 | :30 supermen

Min. 2 | 3 wall squats

Metcon (Time)


For time:

15 DB burpee object step-ups or step-overs

30 deficit DB deadlifts

15 single-arm DB overhead squats/arm

15 burpee broad jumps (4 ft)

– Use two DBs for the burpee object step-ups/step-overs and the deadlifts.



For time:

15 weighted clean burpees

15 weighted single-leg squats/leg

15 weighted single-arm overhead squats/arm

15 burpee broad jumps (4 ft)

– Perform all reps of the single arm and single leg movements on one side before switching to the second side.

– For the clean burpees, perform a burpee, lift an object up over a target, and then traverse the target.

~10:00. The deficit DB deadlift is performed with ALL FOUR heads of the DB touching the floor.

Heavy DBs (50/70 lb).

Reduce DB load if needed, but try to use “heavier than normal” loading. Reduce box height as needed.