At Home – Thu, Feb 2
CrossFit Timoro – At Home
Warm Up (No Measure)
2 sets:
10 DB RDLs
10 over-the-fences
20 lateral hops over a DB
1 set/arm:
5 DB deadlifts
5 DB cleans
5 DB push presses
5 DB snatches
2 sets with a partner:
8 alternating DB snatches
8 box jump overs
– Each partner completes a full set, twice.
Metcon (Time)
5 rounds for time with a partner:
30 alternating DB snatches
30 object jump overs (knee height)
– Split work as needed.
5 rounds for time with a partner:
30 alternating DB snatches
30 object jump overs (knee height)
– Split work as needed.
Heavy DB load (50/70 lb).
Reduce DB load, but keep it heavier than what is typically used. Scale the height of the jump-overs to as low as just a few inches if necessary.
Post Workout (No Measure)
Accumulate with a partner:
100 DB renegade rows
– “Resting” partner holds the hollow position.
– Switch as needed.