At Home – Mon, Feb 27


At Home – Mon, Feb 27

CrossFit Timoro – At Home

Warm Up (No Measure)

3 sets:

20 jumping jacks

5 windmills/arm

5 inchworm + 1 push-up/rep

7 pause goblet squats

1 set:

:30 single-arm DB overhead carry/arm

:30 DB goblet squats (slow pace)

50-ft DB overhead carry

:30 DB goblet squats (fast pace

50-ft DB overhead carry

:30 DB thrusters (slow pace)

– Rest as needed between movements.

Metcon (7 Rounds for reps)


EMOM 14:

Minute 1 | 50-ft DB overhead carry

Minute 2 | :30 DB thrusters

– Perform as many thrusters as possible each round.

– Use two DBs for both movements.


EMOM 14:

Minute 1 | :40 weighted overhead carry

Minute 2 | :40 air squats

– Perform as many air squats as possible each round.

Carries in :30 or less and 10+ thrusters/round.

Light-to-moderate DB load (35/50 lb or less).

Reduce DB load as needed and/or scale to single-arm variations of either or both movements.

Skill Work (Checkmark)

5 sets:

:20 side plank reach throughs/side

– Rest :10 between sets.