CrossFit – Wed, Jul 5


CrossFit – Wed, Jul 5

CrossFit Timoro – CrossFit

Shoulder Press (5 sets:
3 shoulder presses
– Build to a heavy set of 3 and maintain for all 5 sets.)


Build upper-body strength and increase range of motion overhead.

Build to a heavy set of 3 and maintain for all 5 sets.

Fight to keep the elbows in front of the bar on every rep.

Move the bar in the straightest bar path possible.

Perform a new set every 3:00. This will allow for about 2:30 of rest between sets.

Post Workout (Checkmark)

2 sets:

20 banded side-steps (moving right)

20 banded good mornings

20 banded side-steps (moving left)

10 single-leg glute bridges/leg