CrossFit – Mon, Jun 10


CrossFit – Mon, Jun 10

CrossFit Timoro – CrossFit

VAULT #23 of 25 (Time)

VAULT Make Up Day

Those of you that have already completed Vault #23, you will have two options:

1). Make up a Vault you may have missed.

2). Hero Workout: Kelly Brown

Kelly Brown (Time)

5 Rounds for time of:

Row 440 m

10 box jumps

10 deadlifts

10 wall-ball shots

♀ 20-lb. ball to 9 ft., 185-lb. DL, 24-in. box

♂ 30-lb. ball to 10 ft., 275-lb. DL, 30-in. box
In honor of CrossFit Kids Seminar Staff Flowmaster Kelly Brown, 44, who passed away after a courageous five-year battle with ovarian cancer. Sept. 15, 2020
To learn more about Kelly Brown click here

Service Cup workout 3 is the Hero workout, Kelly Brown.

Moderate-to-longer duration effort.


Rows in 2:15 or less.

Deadlifts in unbroken sets of 3 or more.

Note: the original workout calls for 20/30-lb wall-ball shots; today we’ll use 14/20 lb.