At Home – Wed, Feb 22


At Home – Wed, Feb 22

CrossFit Timoro – At Home

Warm Up (No Measure)

3 sets:

10 PVC pass throughs

10 PVC overhead squats

10 knee push-ups

10 double-knee tucks in plank

2 sets:

5 burpees

:30 handstand walk practice

– Rest :30.

5 push-ups

:30 shuttle runs

– Rest 1:00.

Metcon (8 Rounds for distance)

4 x 2:00 rounds for distance:

20 burpees

Max distance handstand walk

– Rest 1:00 between rounds.


4 x 2:00 rounds for distance:

20 push-ups

Max shuttle runs (25 ft)

– Rest 1:00 between rounds.

– Score is total distance walked and ran.

25+ ft handstand walk/round and 10+ shuttle runs (1 run = 50 ft).

Complex bodyweight workout.

Reduce burpee and push-up volume to finish each in 1:15 or less. Scale push-ups to the knees. Scale handstand walks to wall walks.

Post Workout (Checkmark)

3 sets:

10 v-ups

10 tuck-ups

10 hollow rocks

:10 hollow hold

– Rest as needed.