At Home – Thu, Dec 8
CrossFit Timoro – At Home
Warm Up (No Measure)
3 sets:
10 PVC pass throughs
10 supermen
5 elbow instep+ hamstring stretch/side
5 wall squats
1 set:
3 DB snatch/arm
3 DB overhead squat/arm
3 DB squat snatch/arm
2 sets:
10 sit-ups
4-6 alternating DB squat snatches
– No rest between sets.
Metcon (14 Rounds for reps)
EMOM 14:
Min. 1 | :40 sit-ups
Min. 2 | :40 DB squat snatches
EMOM 14:
Min. 1 | :40 sit-ups
Min. 2 | :40 handstand hold
Rest 3:00
Tabata (8 x :20/:10 off):
Bottom-to-bottom PVC overhead squats
– “Rest” for :10 in the bottom of the overhead squat.
12+ sit-ups and 8+ DB snatches/round.
Heavy DB loading (50/70 lb).
Anchor the feet in the sit-up for additional assistance, scale the DB load, and potentially squat to a target to reduce ROM on the DB squat snatch.
Post Workout (No Measure)
3 sets:
12 DB overhead walking lunges
12 push-ups on DBs
12 double-DB swings
12 alternating DB renegade rows
– Rest 2:00 between sets.