At Home – Fri, Apr 7
CrossFit Timoro – At Home
Warm Up (No Measure)
1 set:
10 arm circles/direction
10 torso twists/direction
10 arm swings overhead
10 piked push-ups
3 wall walks
:30 hollow hold
:10-:30 handstand hold
1 set:
:30 mountain climbers
10 seated single-leg leg lifts/side
10 seated leg lifts
:10-:20 L-sit hold
1 set:
:15 handstand hold
:15 L-sit hold
Pre Workout (5 Rounds for time)
5 sets:
100-m run
Metcon (16 Rounds for time)
EMOM 16:
Even minutes: max handstand hold
Odd minutes: max L-sit hold
– Score is total cumulative time combined.
Advanced bodyweight workout.
Scale to a pike handstand and a tuck-hold to maintain the stimulus.