At Home – Thu, Apr 6
CrossFit Timoro – At Home
Warm Up (No Measure)
1 set:
1:00 jumping jacks
1:00 alternating single-leg toe touches
1:00 DB RDLs
1:00 DB curl and presses
1:00 alternating DB clean and jerks
– Rest :15 between movements.
3 sets:
5-10 double-DB deadlifts
1-3 wall walks
– Rest :15-:30 between movements
Metcon (6 Rounds for reps)
6 x 2:00 min rounds:
10 double-DB deadlifts
Max wall walks
– Rest 1:00 between rounds.
– Touch all 4 heads of the DBs to the floor for the deadlifts.
6 x 2:00 min rounds:
10 alternating weighted single-leg deadlifts
Max wall walks
– Rest 1:00 between rounds.
4+ wall walks/round.
Heavy DB loading (50/70 lb).
Reduce DB load to complete all 10 reps unbroken and reduce the wall walk ROM to complete 4+ reps/round.
Post Workout (Time)
For completion:
100 sit-ups