At Home – Sat, Dec 31


At Home – Sat, Dec 31

CrossFit Timoro – At Home

Warm Up (No Measure)

1 set:

10 object step-overs

10 DB high pulls/arm

5 DB overhead lunges/arm

5 laying knees-to-elbows

5 single-arm DB clean and press/arm

1 set:

5 jumps onto, or over, an object

8 DB power snatches

5 DB overhead squats to a target/arm

8 laying knees-to-elbows

5 DB clean and jerks

1 set:

5 object jump-overs

8 DB power snatches

5 DB overhead squats/arm

Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)


AMRAP 20 with a partner:

23 object jump overs

23 DB power snatches

23 DB overhead squats

23 laying knees-to-elbows

23 DB clean and jerks


AMRAP 20 with a partner:

23 object jump overs

23 weighted ground-to-overheads

23 weighted overhead squats

23 laying knees-to-elbows

23 weighted clean and presses

3-5 rounds.

Light DB load (35/50 lb or less). Use one DB.

Reduce DB load as needed, reduce object height as needed, and substitute with DB overhead lunges.