At Home – Wed, Apr 19


At Home – Wed, Apr 19

CrossFit Timoro – At Home

Warm Up (No Measure)

3 sets:

:30 single-unders

:15 Samson stretch/leg

10 PVC pass throughs

3 wall squats

3 sets:

6 alternating DB snatches (for speed)

:10 overhead squat hold

– Rest as needed between sets.

Metcon (20 Rounds for reps)


EMOM 20:

Min. 1 | :30 alternating DB snatches

Min. 2 | :30 overhead squat hold

– Use a PVC or broomstick for the overhead squat hold.


EMOM 20:

Min. 1 | 3 PVC squat snatches

Min. 2 | :30 burpees

– Hold the bottom of each snatch for :03.

10+ snatches every round and unbroken squat holds with GOOD mechanics (knees over toes, weight in heels, active shoulders).

Moderate-to-light DB load (35/50 lb).

Reduce DB load to complete 10+ reps every round. Scale overhead squat hold duration to consistently maintain good squat positions.

Post Workout (No Measure)

3 sets:

20 push-ups

20 DB bent over rows

– Use two DBs.