CrossFit Timoro – At Home
Warm-up (No Measure)
On a 7:00 clock:
30 mountain climbers
10 scorpions
10 spiderman stretch
5 burpees
100-m run
1 set:
5 DB deadlifts
5 DB swings
3 single-arm DB overhead squats/arm
5 double-DB bent-over rows
5 jumps to an object
5 DB squat cleans
200-m run (fast)
Metcon (Time)
For time:
20 DB deadlifts
Run 400 m
20 DB swing
Run 400 m
20 single-arm DB overhead squats
Run 400 m
20 burpees
Run 400m
20 double-DB bent over rows
Run 400 m
20 jumps to an object
Run 400 m
20 DB squat cleans
Run 400 m
For time:
20 odd-object deadlifts
Run 400 m
20 up-downs to a target
Run 400 m
20 PVC overhead squats
Run 400 m
20 burpees
Run 400m
20 weighted sit-ups
Run 400 m
20 jumps to an object
Run 400 m
20 jumping squats
Run 400 m
Cool Down
Metcon (No Measure)
2 sets:
:30 frog stretch
:30 couch stretch/leg